| - DONE! DONE! DONE! I will NOT return!
I had an appointment yesterday to recut the bad haircut from my previous trip (read my review). I requested a certain graduating senior (she only had one week left), told her what I wanted and showed her pictures. I specifically told her, and the instructor, to keep the length on the sides and to stack the back (since the previous student had no clue how to cut it that way). The student pinned the front part up and got to work cutting the back. It's when she unpinned one side and started cutting that I freaked. Instead of giving me blended layers on the side and trimming the length as I has asked her to do, she cut all my hair to my shortest layer. I walked in with hair two-three inches below my chin and she had cut it to the bottom of my ears, even shorter than my jawline!!!!! I told her to "STOP cutting!!!" She seemed surprised when I told her she had cut it way too short. She ended up cutting her finger, left for a band-aid and never came back (Will she also do that to her customers when she graduates?!).
After several minutes the instructor showed up and said, "I understand you are not happy with your haircut?" I told her to LOOK how short the student had cut the sides. It barely reached my jaw!! The instructor told me it looks good. I said, "I KNOW you heard me tell her to keep the length. How can you say this looks good?" She looked back at me speechless with a baffled expression and turned around and left, leaving me sitting there trying hard not to cry.
Courtney, the owner showed up several minutes later and asked me if there was anything she could do to make me happier with my haircut. I said, while looking at the three inches of hair on the floor, "You could give me extensions because this will take 6 months to grow out."
She ended up layering the right side that hadn't been cut yet, touched up the stacked layers in the back and styled my hair. I admit, it looked much better when she was done, but that's not going to give me my hair back. I've never had it this short in my life!
I still have one more groupon to use for a haircut by October 25th, but NO WAY will I be back to let another student touch my hair! Teach your students to LISTEN to the client!!! DONE! DONE! DONE!