I was waiting for a streetcar at Dundas and Ossington when I noticed this place. And then in the window I specifically noticed boxes of American imported cereals like Cookie Crisp, Apple Jacks, Crunchberries, and most importantly, a limited edition box of Girl Guides Thin Mint Cereal.
I was expecting ridiculous sticker shock, but instead was acutally quite please to find out that a family size box of this cereal was only $6.99 which may be more than I usually spend on cereal, but for a limited time option of freaking Girl Guide Thin Mint cereal? It was a no brainer.
The place also had a lot of other fun and obscure looking candy. Weird flavours of chips, oldschool brands like Popeye Cigarettes, and even candy and chocolate covered bugs, this place had it all.
The owners seemed super friendly as well. I can't say I'll have a high need to frequent this place often, but its the best damn candy store I've stepped foot into for a long time so 5 stars it is!