So here is the thing...I drop off my work clothes for dry cleaning. When I pick them up and put them on the next day they look good and feel good! (Not to mention at the end of the year I save my receipts for my accountant to deduct the expense!) when I drop off my clothes maybe I'm not greeted with open arms but none the less very nice! Also when I use my credit/debit card sure there is an extra charge/fee to do so but I understand why they are doing that they are having customers pay for the convenience of using that service. Do I believe that a business should have the customer pay the fee for the service, no not a hundred percent I believe the business should take care of that as it is a cost of doing business. However, they do have this clearly posted for the customer so there are no surprises and at this point it becomes my decision whether or not I would like to proceed so I'm ok with that! At the end of the day my clothes are always ready on time and they always look nice which really is my main concern and I will keep coming back!