Dr. Parker is great! I had an infected stitch and my surgeon was all the way in LA. He arranged for me to be able to meet with Dr. Parker. I needed to have an internal stitch removed right away and it was kind of an emergency. I was really freaked out about it and I had no idea what to expect. Now I don't know about you, but I'm not used to being operated on while I'm awake and without even a local. Give me general anesthesia and knock me the effff out please. Thank you!
Well I worked myself up for nothing because the whole thing ended up being a piece of cake. Dr. Parker was gentle as can be and very patient with me, even though I was really scared and probably drove him nuts. I didn't feel any pain surprisingly, in spite of the fact that he had to dig in there quite deep. His bedside manner is great and he's one of those doctors that just knows how to make you feel comfortable. I'd recommend him.