AWESOME AWESOME PLACE!!! When I originally called weeks ago before registration started, all of my questions were answered thoroughly and by a friendly person. She was very helpful and gave me a great tip on when to register for a class to have better options.
I registered weeks ago and got a class on a great day and time for my lo.
They sent out an email a while ago about making up days and they said they would accommodate if they can. I told them as soon as i received that email that my lo would be out sometime in July and they said that was plenty enough notice to reschedule. The first day they gave me didn't work but they gave me another option within my scheduling parameters and it was perfect.
So Friday night I got there a little early to view classes before my lo's. I was impressed by the student teacher ratio. I saw a couple kids get some one on one attention for different reasons. One kid was shy and didn't seem to do well in the group. Another kid today was throwing a tantrum about being in the water.
When it was my lo turn to get in the water, it went quite well. Our teacher was great and helpful and paid some attention to every parent... Well there were only 3 of us.
The next day my dude got in the water with our lo. But I love that we are both allowed to be in the water with her. Also whomever wants to stand on the sidelines to watch (and take pics/document moments are welcome). Although I would suggest limiting it to one person. The space is not that big and seating is limited, so get there early if you're going to be a spectator or have any spectators going. Also! Dress light. It is WAY humid up in that joint.
There are showers to rinse off the kids after swimming. Not for the adults tho as it's just a wall with shower heads. I believe I was told that in the near future there will be private showers installed.
I mean I can't ask for anything more. (I'll be looking forward to the private showers) other than that I'm officially sold on this place. Even my mom said this place is great as she thought about my nephew attending classes at the Y in her area. She agreed this joint is better.
So mommies.... Daddies... Check this place out. You'll be satisfied!