My cat died because they failed to take care of her. I had taken her in on a Monday because she had been injured due to being ran over Saturday night (I found out later that her injury was due to being ran over). After having a check up, they did surgery on her foot that became infected due to the injury. The doctor decided to keep her until her foot healed. Friday morning I got a call from the doctor that my cat was breathing very hard and he did an X-Ray to see what was happening. He noticed that she had a hernia and advised me to take her to another hospital because there was nothing he could do. I ended up taking my cat to the hospital he recommended that same day. My cat ended up dying that Friday night at the hospital because she was running a fever, had low blood pressure, had internal bleeding, and had an infection. The hospital told me that the antibiotics she was put on were not helping. My cat had also lost all feeling in her tail and if she had survived, her tail and possibly her foot were going to be amputated. The doctor at this hospital sent me to another expensive hospital because he thought a hernia was going to kill her. What killed her was that he kept her for almost a week and all of these other things that actually killed her went undetected. I liked coming to this location because the people are nice but my cat died because of them.