| - This is a candy store/ice cream shop in one, like the Lakewood, North Olmsted, and other locations. The candy is definitely great, and it is one of the best parts of living in NE Ohio. The ice cream parlor is wonderful, and we have been patronizing it ever since it came to Bay, and before that we went to North Olmsted.
The decor leaves a lot to be desired (hope you like pink and green, people!), but you don't go there for that. You go there for the fabulous hot fudge sundaes. If you order a regular hot fudge sundae, you get two scoops of ice cream (your choice), and a little pitcher of hot fudge that you can dole out as needed.
Some of their signature treats and whatnot are really good, but can be a bit much. The Bordeaux sundae is definitely the latter. It has delicious toffee crunch ice cream, hot fudge, almonds, caramel sauce, whipped cream, and crumbled bits of bordeaux candy. Which sounds awesome until you try to eat the whole thing, and it becomes way too sweet. If you do choose to order it, get the children's size.
In addition to big huge sundaes that adults can barely and probably shouldn't eat the whole of, they have several cute kid treats like the clown and the dog, as well as parlor staples of shakes and malts, phosphates, and just scoops. Oh, they also have some monstrous sundae that is 20 bucks with every single flavor and topping, which you can't get to go.
It is a nice trip to the good old days. Though they no longer have the lace doilies that went under your glass or dish, they still offer the same service, with water and a dish of pretzels while you wait in what seems like the 1950s to order.