I am a sucker for Thrifty Ice Cream and thought this would be the end all spot for me. Sadly, it is not. Long gone are the $.99 cylinder scoops of frozen delight. They kept the familiar shape, but the prices are almost double.
Normally, I get a single scoop, but I was feeling adventurous and ventured off to a two scoop sundae. Medieval Madness is back, so I forgo my normal Green Tea, and paired it with Chocolate Malt Crunch. Add butterscotch and nuts and it was meh for $4.33. When I got rang up, I saw that I was charged for a two scoop waffle bowl sundae without getting the waffle bowl. What is that? If there is no button for a sundae without the bowl then I should have been given one. The butterscotch was too sweet and not creamy. The toppings taste cheap. It is better to just get plain ice cream.