Most Mexican restaurants will add an item on their menu just because it is a typical mexican staple, take for example the fish taco from Fausto's, which i have to say is not a good addition to their menu because i got a bland flavor even with the garnishes and sauces combined, but it's there and it's disappointing because it is the first meal that i have with them. I thought the rice and beans would win me over but it did not, again nothing texturally and flavorly special about it.
My baseline for a good Mexican restaurant is STILL Moreno's from Chandler, Arizona. They don't have a lot on their menu but the ones they have are authentically good.
One dish is not a good measuring stick to rate a restaurant; i have yet to have a favorite from Fausto's, so i'll probably try them again soon because they are close from my house and they have a clean facility with friendly staff. In the meantime, two stars.