A great cup of coffee indeed! The more I make my way through Toronto's indie coffee scene, the more Starbucks becomes a distant memory. Like most coffee houses they offer both soy and almond milk alternatives (hear that SBux?!?!) and the coffee has a rich and smooth flavour. I love that you can actually taste the coffee... what a novel idea! The best thing about this shop has to be their customer service. I made a really dumb move and didn't ask about their menu items before I ordered. I assumed a toasty almond latte was just their version of a latte with almond milk. Instead it was a toasty almond TEA latte. Totally my fault and I went back in line to order an actual almond latte fully ready to pay to correct my mistake. Before i could finish explaining they offered to replace my drink with what I thought I ordered! A couple self depricating comments on my end later and I was drinking a wonderfully brewed cup of coffee. I will be back for thr drink and the people. Thank you.