OMG~ generally I like Massage Envys. It's a hit or miss whether you get a good or bad therapist and you have to learn to ask for specific ones~ the good thing is you can almost get an appointment last minute.
BUT at this particular location, the staff seems to have forgotten they are a massage place and not a used car lot!!!!
I came out of the massage not entirely happy since the guy that massaged me was a bit I don't want to use the word weird, okay, weird, okay, to be kind~ not to my liking.
But I decided I would still be pleasant and pay for the massage . . . at the counter, the girl checking me out just would not let me go without arm twisting me to sign up for membership!!!!
She told me they were offering a membership special that was for THAT day and if I walk out the door, the special was expired. Even after I said no I was not interested multiple times, she continued to strong sale me and would not return my credit card to me!!!!
I left feeling upset and very tense, which totally negated the massage that I just received AND I also did not get my credit card back! I had to go back to get my card.
What a hassle.
I felt like I should have been PAID to have been there instead of PAYING for the service it was THAT tortuous!!!!