| - Okay to be fair, in the interest of full disclosure: I hate night clubs. I very rarely drink (and NEVER drink to the level most do in these establishments), I haven't attempted dancing since an embarrassing home movie was made and laughed at on an almost daily basis when I was about 5 years old, and the quintessential "bar skank hookup" isn't something I aspire to, or even respect in other people, so I really never have any reason to even go to these places unless dragged by friends.
That being said, I can generally separate my hatred of the scene from problems with an individual establishment, and give it a more or less impartial viewing... but I honestly don't think I could hate the Roadhouse any more if I were paid to do so.
First of all, this place seems to be a "love it or hate it" sort of spot, and in my experience (with a few notable exceptions) those in the "love it" camp tend to consist of tight shirt wearing, gold chain flashing, posturing douchebags and girls with fake EVERYTHING who's entire contribution to society is seeing how small an outfit they can get away with wearing in public (not that there's anything wrong with small outfits... but sometimes I'm not sure if these clothes are so tight it cuts of the blood circulation to their brain, or if they just didn't have any to begin with.) Obviously there are exceptions to this rule... but they're so vastly out-numbered by those that prove the rule, that it's almost not worth mentioning.
I've only ever stepped foot in this place ONCE but I was so unimpressed by everything from the décor, to the lights, to the music, to the clientele and even the staff that I immediately felt like even the small cover charge I had paid was one of the greatest scams of all time... and having lived just down the street from it for a couple of years and having to deal with the club's key demographic on a nightly basis, my resentment has grown to a boiling point that the only thing that kept me from torching the place myself was fear of the legal ramifications.
I can't honestly vouch for any particular club, given my stance on the entire scene... but I know that the second somebody admits to liking the Roadhouse, I subconsciously cut the chances that this person will be worth conversing with any further in half.
I normally try to close even negative reviews with a condition under which I would actually recommend a business... but in this case, I honestly can't think of one. This is one of the rare instances where I wish a 0 star grade were possible.