| - We come here often because my partner's parents love this place. Overall, I think the concept is fun but the experience and food are mediocre at best.
The food is all pretty pricey in general. There is an upcharge for everything, including extra sauce (ranch dressing, buffalo, etc) which gets old pretty quick. The food is good, but there is an overall smell in the restaurant of stinky feet which really interferes with even trying to enjoy your food. If you sit outside, be prepared to deal with flies all over the place.
The service is meh. If a server isn't trying to prematurely take your food away from you so they can turn the table, then they are ignoring you altogether. This has been my experience every time I've been here. Which is even more annoying when the server forgets your $.50 extra buffalo sauce, and you cannot get their attention so that you can even start to eat your meal before it gets cold.
Inside and outside, the tables are jam-packed and it's nearly impossible to avoid bumping into anyone or to avoid having someone's rear end bounce against your table as youre trying ot eat. For the price they charge, I would expect a much more enjoyable experience.
Overall, I wouldn't continue to come here were it not for my partner's parents, and In the 10 times about that we have come here, I've yet to have a "good" experience.