Progress Residential does not follow the law in North Carolina. In the lease they makes tenants pay for carpet cleaning when they move out. I was told by Progress that if I did not pay for the carpet cleaning and provide a receipt they would keep money from my security deposit. If you read the North Carolina security deposit laws they cannot do that
-- "Ordinarily, costs for routine cleaning and maintenance (painting, carpet cleaning, etc.) may not be deducted from your security deposit. However,
if you leave the property so filthy that unusual or extraordinary measures are necessary to clean or restore the premises, the landlord may deduct the cost of such cleaning from your security deposit." See the NC Real Estate Commission website for the full rules. So, I had my carpets cleaned and provided them with a receipt when I moved out. My move out inspection was 100% perfect and I was told during the pre-move out inspection, as well as the final inspection, that the place looked great. I was also told that I would get my full deposit back as long as I had paid all my rent (which I had done). I received my move out statement and there was a $300 charge for carpet cleaning that had been taken from my deposit. According to the lawyer I spoke to at the NC Real Estate Commission they cannot do that (it is free to call and talk to a lawyer there). They can try to bill you for it, but they cannot take charges for carpet cleaning out of your security deposit, but they did. This is not right! People need to be aware of this and educate yourself on the laws in your state. They are counting on you to be dumb so they can take money from you. I told them I knew they could not take money from my security deposit for carpet cleaning and I am getting my $300 back. Watch out for this company. They don't play fair.