I have been going to the Beer Engine since they opened up. The beer selection is the best on the west side, hands down - they might just have the best selection in Ohio - I have yet to see its match. Granted there are some good breweries on the west side, but none have such a diverse sampling of craft and interesting import beers. Where else can you get a Japanese beer that had been aged in Saki barrels? Also, the staff really know there stuff when it comes to the beers on tap. If Jason is behind the bar, follow his suggestions. He will listen to what you are looking for in a beer and give you some great suggestions.
The food here is good - over time I have eaten about everything, but after several years I am not as gun ho about it as I once was. The burgers are very decent, and the Fatty Melt is exactly as it sounds - a burger sandwiched between two grilled tomato, bacon and cheese sandwiches. Most of the entrees are good, but I am not really a big fan of there chicken papakash. If you can, you have to check out their 4/20 IPA event - make sure to take a cab if you are an IPA fan....