I feel generous giving Tempe Town Lake 3 stars. I don't really "get" large bodies of water you can't swim in, unless I'm living large in a mansion on a man-made lake of course! That's the only time I kind of understand this weird phenomenon.
the lake's redeeming quality is that over the next few years more businesses will sprout up around it, giving Tempe more of an urban feel. It'll be interesting to see how it changes the look and feel of the city. There's been so many failed proposals and business ventures to put condos, restaurants, and shopping around the lake. It's nice to see it finally coming to fruition, after 10 years of speculation.
Aesthetically the lake is a little gross if you ask me. It would have been nice if instead of putting up gigantic concrete sides (which makes it look like a canal) they could have put some tiered greenery to make it appear more natural.
It gets awfully muggy down there in July and August when the humidity is already bad. You walk anywhere close to the lake and you instantly start sweating from that gigantic body of water. I've wanted to check out the fireworks down there on the 4th of July but uhhh...I really don't want to sweat to death.
I have to admit, it looks pretty cool at night when driving on the 202 and seeing the reflected city lights. Then again, doesn't everything look better in dim lighting?