| - The experience ROCKED! i found this place on yelp looking for bike rentals while trying to find out places to shop for gifts on my last afternoon in montreal. Saw the electric scooter tilt and dismissed it, but then it kept gnawing at me, what with my self-admonitions to break out of my comfort zone. So I wound up walking out there (bit of a hike from downtown, but not bad on a beautiful sunny day). I got there and the guy was friendly and told me about a promotion, $20/3h. I was like, can't refuse THAT price. The lesson was all of about 2 minutes, and a quick turn around in the street, and a point of his finger of how to get to Sherbrook, and I was off.
All's I can say is it was BEYOND a pleasant surprise how fun it was. Went to ile Notre Dame and rode around the olympic park and formula 1 track and felt like mario andretti and then tested the shocks on the cobblestones of old town. At times I felt a little funny on the bikepaths, what with the electric scooter, and people looking at me funny, and me not sure about legalities and all. Mostly I stayed on the streets, maxed out at 30 kmph the whole time, and I pushed back my return time, wound up having to take a taxi to the airport instead of the 747 bus, which totally blew my promotion savings, but hey, it was vacation, so it was worth it. Now I'm trying to figure out if it is worth it to make the investment to buy 1!