So glad to hear Chicago Deli was able to come to an agreement with Giant Eagle Plaza owners and stay in Solon!!! One of the few non-chain restaurants left in the area. George the owner is incredibly warm, and treats every customer as if he's known them for years.
I once had their catering at a wedding (all Lebanese food) and it was DELICIOUS. Unfortunately I don't think the middle-eastern fare they serve in-house is quite as good (limited menu), but when I lived in Solon I shopped specifically there for my home-made hummus and terrific olive oil that he ships in from a family member in Lebanon.
Breakfast is the best. Now that I live out of state, I have had to really search hard for Challah to try to duplicate their version of French Toast. The hot roast beef at lunch is terrific. Good burgers and soup are great too. And the cookies...mmmmmmm...
The Chicago connection? I have abso-flibbin'-lutely no idea where that comes from. I suggest someone ask George and report back! Next time I'm in town, I look forward to seeing their new digs!