By and large the beers here are inoffensive. But also not all that memorable. The Morning Pay Off Imperial Breakfast Stout is a notable exception; this beer is Nirvana in a glass and I wish I could find it at Lee's or Total Wine. Their Heater, a milk stout brewed with Serrano chilies, also is fantastic and is a perfect fall-winter beer. However, the Gutshot Dry Irish Stout comes across as meek, and the Bluffing Isn't Weisse Hefeweizen has an odd flavor I've never experience in a Hefe before; it struck me as almost sour. Yesterday (May 22) I tried their new Smooth Call, a whiskey barrel-aged double oatmeal stout. Now, I love me some stouts and porters--they are my favorite beers--but to be candid, this one was almost too viscous. A 4-ounce glass would have sufficed, instead of the 8-ouncer I drank. Overall, their beers are OK and not too pricey, but they're also nothing to write home about.