I was hungry after my Dr visit, really wanted In&Out, but they were closed. I decided to take a chance on Smash Burger.
The menu is awkward for us first timers. I just wanted a cheeseburger with extra onions. The cashier got my order down and offered me a water cup. Several people came in while I was eating, apparently to visit with her, which is nice.
The eating area was more like a Red Robin mixed with a warehouse. Not fast food, but very relaxed.
The first bite of burger was WAY too salty. The limp lettuce leaf and mushy tomato didn't help either. The red onions added a nice bite of flavor.
The fries were glorious and popping one in with each burger bite saved it's cheesy life!
The shake was a chocolate mint Oreo, in a smallish glass but served with the rest in a frozen metal shake glass, great temp control!
The fries and shake made up for the less than Write Home to Mama burger, and I ended up enjoying it all.
Torn between ratings I decided that I would be back and try a different burger. If I plan on going back somewhere I assume there's enough attraction to get four stars.