Books a Million is a bookstore for actual bibliophiles. Unlike other book chains that sell more Twilight merchandise (it's here as well unfortunately), Books a Million has a great selection of, well, books. Unlike other chains that are swarming with bored teens on the weekends, this BAM store is pleasantly quiet at most all times.
They have an awesome clearance section....overstocks for $4-6. Plus, BAM has a program where they get former library book lease program books. Its kinda like buying a "program" car from CarMax. These are popular titles for only $3 and they're in good shape! The place is organized well and never cluttered like other bookstores.
BAM staff are helpful, smiling, and cheery. They will try to sell you a $20 discount card, so think carefully before buying it. It entitles you to a 10% storewide discount and an extra 20% off sale items. I can't justify it (though I was suckered into buying one) since I don't buy many books. This place makes me wish I lived in Cotswold.