| - We got discounted tickets( $22)at Costco that included free soft drink coupons & let us skip the lines . Great value . We arrived around 4 pm on a scorching 100* Friday,at the beginning of summer. This let us enjoy amazingly short lines in the hours before Night Splash ( discount twilight admission 7-10pm) " Night Splash" could also be known as " teen nite" though anyone can stay. The two 13 year olds we brought reveled in the " party music" and atmosphere. Lots of security around made us feel safe to let them " enjoy some big kid freedom", checking in regularly . Though we sat on the side lines watching literally 1000s of kids mingle that nite , none of them were smoking , or vape-ing, or being mean or rough towards each other . Seemed like a great place for teens to celebrate the summer. The staff is young , but were all attentive & nice the day we went.Be aware there is a limited food menu for Nite Splash. Not much "real food" or dinner . Had to leave sun-splash & go next door to Golfland for pizza , which was cooked fresh and price was average . Not bad.
I guess the only reason to give 4 not 5 is the park is older , (as in " Bill&Teds ExcellentAdventure" 80s retro older,)SO
"regular"price seemed high & discounts were hard to find --glad we are with Costco. If you go during discounted hours , the lines for the slides get very long... So,Uh , don't be cheap? --- AND not knowing we would be unable to get any "real food " -as in Dinner -in the park from 7-10 was a bummer .Also no pace to hook or shelves to place your things on , in the showers and changing rooms and toilets when the floor stays wet(gross BTW--- how about some tea-tree eucalyptus or pine sol ?) No door hooks? That is super inconvenient . But we did have a REALLY GOOD TIME .so I would recommend Sun Splash , especially for teens .