| - SO glad my mom got 4 free passes to the Carnegie Museums. Otherwise we would have easily dropped $60 + $5 on parking alone to go see everything. Is it worth it for $60? I don't know. Now that I am pinching pennies, I don't think I would have paid that much just to go to a museum. But dude, if you are bored or something, happen to have $18 or w/e the admission fee is plus money for parking (or just take the bus if you are a Pitt student....your student ID is a freakin' bus pass!) it's worth checking out. If you are just visiting and want something cool to do that may possibly consume your entire day, check this place out. The art museum always has cool stuff. I love their sculptures (amazed at no seam lines on the HUGE repros!) and the traditional paintings. The modern art gallery was worth a chuckle. I am not a big fan of modern art at all. I think it's kinda...silly....sorry, modern art lovers! But there were still a few things worth seeing there, namely this huge painting of misshapen pregnant-looking women, heehee. *perv*
What really does it for me, is the Egyptian gallery, the (taxidermy) stuffed animals of Pennsylvania, the geological rooms with the gemstones and rocks, and the dinosaurs of course! All my favorites. I used to come here a lot for school field trips and the like, and it really is a cool place to kill time. Also am I weird for saying I wish the giftshop was bigger?
Haven't eaten at their cafe in a long ass time but HELL does it smell amazing when you've walked the entire dang museum and you're starved.
As a bonus, Craig Street is only a minute walk from the museum! And the library is attached too!