| - While visiting my mother in Etobicoke for a coffee at the Starbucks near Kipling subway station, I decided that, since I was tired and wanted something quick, I would try Panago pizza. It's two doors down from the Starbucks, and I've always heard it was decent pizza.
I walked in, and you could tell this is a higher class pizza place, if "high class pizza" can actually coexist together. The kitchen was clean, the seating area was clean, the place was a very nice white and steel.
Browsing the menu, the prices seemed very reasonable. Your basic cheese and pepperoni personal pizza was $4.25 (plus tax). This is what I ordered. I was told it'd be about ten minutes for the pizza, so we sat and chatted.
The pizza was done on time; I opened the box it came in, and it was the most dull looking pizza I've ever seen. You'd think an independent place (granted, Panago isn't a one-off and is a chain, but not a major chain) would have delicious looking pizza; but no. It's as uniform as what you'd get at Pizza Hut, or Dominoes, or any other corporate chain. The taste of it matched the look; bland and boring. Now, cheese and pepperoni are inherently bland and boring, granted, but this was exceptionally bad, so I purchased one of their shakers (they had sea salt, which I got, as well as four other flavours), and it added some flavour, but overall, it was very average.
In the future, I would go to Panago on a whim, or I would suggest it to a friend who wants to eat cheap and quick, but it's not somewhere I'd go to on a regular basis.