this is the second time ive seen Dr Gamett. the first time being about 4 or 5 years ago for a different reason. i actually had to do some internet research to find him again b/c i was so impressed with my last visit years ago. long story short ive been experiencing bad headaches for a few months now. all day every day. have seen my regular physician, ear/nose/throat specialist & neurologist and have have an MRI and 2 CT scans done & countless drugs thrown at me to treat "migraine" headaches to no avail. i decided to see Dr Gamett to see if some adjustments would help. i kid you not only 1 visit with him already & i had one of the best nights sleep ive had in many months. not saying this is the case with everyone but i could not believe just how good i felt from 1 session with him. i can not wait to go back & pray & hope the next few sessions take away these head pains permanently. Highly recommended!!