| - I've been coming in here for probably 15 years now. Maybe bought one record and a tee shirt in some ten visits. It was no Suite Lorain after all. But as the vintage scene dried up, this place has held on and become the leading light for retro crap for all of Cleveland. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE everything in this place. It takes hours to fully appreciate all their goods. Heading to their basement is like a trip to the bowels of a treasure laden pirate galleon. The furniture, beer ephemera, old Playboys, etc are my bread and butter. But I realized something about myself today: I don't need any more old crap.
Tried to find one key piece to inspire a bedroom remodel and came up empty handed. A cool chair or maybe a sculpture of some sort? The beer signs were all amazing! Currently have a modern pub motif going in my kitchen. So the awesome Ballantine signs I was eyeing are more Beachland Tavern than XYZ that I'm going for. Had to sadly leave those behind. The records section is immaculately reorganized and vinyl junkie friendly, but let's face it, I have way too many of those. Wanted to get a cool coat for wifey, but she said no vintage because bed bugs. Furniture was amazing, but I already have too many pieces at home I don't know what to do with.
So ultimately, I left without buying a thing(thru no fault of the business). I've just moved past the retro phase in my life. I own a 1940's home, so yeah, retro stares me in the face daily. It makes me sad. Cuz I really want to buy everything here, just can't rationalize it. So, if you are a young cat just starting out on your own, this is the place for you. You will find something for sure. Me, I have to be extremely selective. But keep doing your thing Flower Child. Maybe someday we will come to that big purchase that just makes a space. Until then I will visit annually, because it is just so fun to be in there.