Such a fun store! I wish I had more money to invest in the kitchen supplies, WINE accessories (!!!!), coffee/tea chotchkies, and random treats. I picked up so many presents at this store for family and friends. Anybody that knows me, knows that I struggle when it comes to gift giving so this store is a life saver.
I picked up a coconut chocolate bar that lasted me a week because I wanted to really experience it. That right there is unheard of...any chocolate maybe lasts a day with me. They also have Moonstruck which is from my old stomping grounds of Portland, which made me happy. They do have a great selection of local options as well.
I got a Madison mug that has a really artistic bike on it. I have been trying to add to my mug collection and this one was great to represent Madison! I have not been able to find a better and it is not the usual Starbucks city mug, much more personality!
yeah, so, if you want unique, fun and have some time to explore, hit up Orange Tree for shizzle.