An ok small mini market that has undoubtedly seen an uptick in business thanks due to the closure of the 7-Eleven across the street and it being replaced by the dive that is GV Mini Mart. Before 7-Eleven closed, I hardly came into the place but now it's this or Rebel down the street.
Great hot dogs and that's about all that's unique. Store lacks the cleanliness of a 7-Eleven, but the pricing is lower overall (I'd rather have the cleanliness. A bit of caution, their fountain drink machine is FILTHY and the soda comes out a little flatter than ordinary, probably due to a dirty filter or just overall bad maintenance. The employees are CONSTANTLY smoking at the entrance and often sit on one of the trash receptacles. When they aren't smoking, they come in reeking badly of smoke. Nice employees otherwise, but if you don't like the odor of ashtrays you may want to think twice.
Not a bad place, but then again not good. If smokers and tattoo-people are your scene, you're going to love it.