| - I was looking to adopt a puppy from this shelter a few months ago. I had a pup picked out and was just waiting for him to be old enough to adopt. When the time came, the shelter posted a picture of my boy on their Facebook page along with his brothers and sisters. The post said these puppies were pure bread and their adoption fee was $500! In the same post, they said that any comments about the fee would be deleted and that these same pups from a breeder would cost $800-$1200. My jaw dropped. The parents of these pups were found on the street and turned over as strays, yet they're advertising the pups as purebred and comparing the adoption fee to the cost of purebred dogs. When I asked them about the purebred status of the pups, the owner of the shelter became belligerent. She said she could say they were purebred if they looked purebred, and their adoption contract stated they do not guarantee they were purebred. In addition, the fee was to cover the cost of their medical. Any amount above the medical would be considered a donation and go towards other dogs medical costs who would not be able to be adopted with a fee as high as their medical cost. Fair enough, but why not be truthful about that?
After this experience I decided not to adopt my pup from this shelter. I believe the owner of this shelter is covering up bad practices. I posted a review of this experience on the shelters Facebook page. A few months later, Facebook had deleted it. I noticed their Facebook page had over 900 ratings and almost 0 bad reviews. This seemed odd to me. Even a stellar shelter would have a bad review now and then, but nearly 0?
That's when I turned to Yelp and learned that having a review deleted on Facebook was not hard to accomplish. I posted a review here and contacted a few other yelpers who have had a bad experience with this shelter asking if they would post their review on the shelters Facebook page. Surly, Facebook would take notice if a flood of bad reviews came in and were immediately flagged for deletion, right? Wrong. Most of the yelp reviews had already been posted on Facebook and deleted.
As of now, my original review in yelp was deleted stating that I violated the terms of service. I read the terms of service and there was nothing about my review that could be considered a violation. I pleaded with yelp to put my review back up and received an email stating that their decision would stand.
In the meantime, I've contacted the Humane Society and the ASPCA regarding this shelter. It's a shame that the woman who runs the shelter has such a generous heart, but lousy practices, would not be able to take constructive feedback to help her business grow. I hope she sees what heartache she's causing so many people and changes and if not, hopefully this shelter will be shut down.