| - Never again. I read the yelp reviews before boarding, so I already expected it to be bad. I traveled round-trip from Santa Barbara (SB) to Las Vegas (LV). I took a transfer bus in Los Angeles (LA). The trip from SB to LV was what I expected. We departed late and arrived late by 2 hours. The trip back was so much worse. Here is why:
1) The bus was scheduled to depart LV at 12:05 pm. However, it did not arrive until 1 pm, and we did not depart until around 1:30 pm.
2) There was a ton of traffic from LV to LA. I can't blame Greyhound for this, but with 100 years of data, they should factor this into their scheduling.
3) The bus broke down. Yes! The bus actually broke down in the desert! Luckily, the driver was smart enough to pull the bus into a gas station, so we could buy food and water. We were stuck there for 2 hours. The bus driver had kind of an attitude, and did not want to answer any questions. Finally, the bus driver announced that a second bus will arrive, but will only be able to pick up half of us. A third bus will arrive after to pick up the rest of us.
4) The second bus arrived. But it only had five seats available! I was one of the lucky five. I don't know what happened to everyone else. I don't know if the third bus ever arrived, and how many people that bus could fit.
5) The second bus had no A/C. Reading lights were also broken.
6) Two people were kicked off the second bus for some kind of altercation between them and the driver. This altercation happened before I got onto the bus. According to the rest of the people on that bus, the driver exaggerated the altercation. But I wasn't there when it happened, so I have no idea. Can you imagine getting kicked off in the middle of nowhere at night? Overall, this just caused more delay, because we had to wait for security and all that.
7) I was scheduled to arrive in LA at 5:30 pm. Instead, I arrived at 11 pm. Luckily for me, the LA station is open 24/7, and there was still a bus leaving for SB. Some of the other passengers were not so lucky, because their stations closed already; they had to find another way home or be stuck in town. I did not arrive in SB until 1:45 am. I had to take the next day off from work because of this.
8) I called for compensation. They were willing to compensate me for the hours delayed. It takes 21 business days. We shall see if I ever receive the compensation.
Overall, I think I was pretty lucky this time. It could have been a lot worse. I could have been stuck in the desert for who knows how long. Or I could have been stuck in LA. I called my friend just in case I had to spend the night in LA.
I was prepared enough to bring water and food along or it could have been much worse. Bring water and food!