What kind of a doctor is Donald Cunningham? The whole 2-3 times I've went there, he goes into the room for a whole 3 minutes asks what's wrong, does not examine his patient to diagnose the problem, writes some notes down and leaves.. then NEVER comes back in the room! He sends a nurse in to tell you what he is prescribing you or where he's referring you with NO EXPLANATION as to why!!!!!???? What is the point of going to you for you to send me off to a bunch of other doctors I MIGHT need and while at it expensive doctors my insurance won't cover !!!!!! And to top it off the last time I went and had to pay $50 up front for the co pay without any insurance I got this same crappy service and no paper saying what doctors I need to go to or even any calls from any doctors to make an appointment as I was told. You leave your patients in the dark honestly why are you a doctor if you don't even do anything? NEVER COMING BACK JUST RETIRE ALREADY!