I NEED TO MAKE A COMPLAINT! I completely disagree with this place being among BlogTo's top ten Philly Cheese steak places or anything... except for maybe view of the lake, board walk and possibly an okay place to people watch. I was at this location on Saturday July 2. I was expecting something super tasty when I order the tuna ceviche though all I got was a turned over can of tuna cat food with some corn kernels on top. The Philly Cheese Sammy was just as bad, if not worse. The beer took about 15 minutes to get to the table and water an extra five minutes on top of that as I was told "it was coming out soon." Not sure if they were filtering the water or what was going on because the water was already kept bottled in tequila bottles on top of the counter beneath the blazing hot sun. Yummy, HOT water!