| - One of those "if I could give zero stars I would"..
Was assigned this company through my home warranty unfortunately. My air conditioning went out on a Thursday, no air blowing out of the vents.
I had it diagnosed outside of the home warranty assignment Friday, was going to be $1400. Decided to file a claim with home warranty where it would cost $65 and my motor replacement would be covered. After being assigned this company Sunday, I called them MULTIPLE times Monday and Tuesday, left MULTIPLE voicemails and NOT ONE call back. Not one.
They have a weird automated system as well. Every time you call (the same number) it has different automated messages that put you through a loop to a voicemail.
I was assigned a time frame via text of 1pm-5pm on Tuesday. I waited for this company Tuesday in my 93-degree house (I have a NEST so I know the temp) with my 3 furry dogs, meanwhile calling them and leaving voicemails as I already knew what the problem was and wanted the tech to come prepared to replace the blower motor. Easy fix.
Tech calls from a no caller ID (weird) at like 4:15 and says he will be about 30 min. Shows up at 5:15, no apologies, no explanations, no comments as to anything. He says yes, it's the blower motor but he doesn't have one in his van. Shocker!
He gives me an invoice but says I don't have to pay, also surprising but I wasn't going to pay anyway, and says he will contact me the next day about coming back to fix it because his schedule is busy. Umm okay, can you send someone else? Oh, yeah, probably. Okay, so you are going to contact me tomorrow to fix this and get me air conditioning? It's been 100-plus degrees outside this week.
Next day not one phone call or text from this company. I called probably upwards of 10 times and left a few voicemails and just nothing back.
Luckily I had the home warranty assign me a new company and they just left (Thursday afternoon) and my air is working!
The irony is this company's van said things such as "25 hours a day" and "speedy service"....hmm...
The other ironic thing is this guy told me he could replace the motor in about an hour and a half. The guy who came today replaced that motor in 20 min. Go figure.
I'm going to go freeze myself out now.