I was so excited when I heard Trufusion was getting a juice standard! I'm a pressed juice fan, maybe not lover yet, but who doesn't love a cold juice or smoothie after a hot yin or hot barre session?
I've tried quite a few options of the juice, but just haven't found one I'm head over heals in love with yet. My options are a bit limited since I hate celery & majority of the juices contain it. I think my favorite so far is the Bee Cosmopolitan. It's somewhat sweet and has clay in it, you definitely have to get used to the texture. I also enjoy the Green & Good smoothie. Super good, you'd honestly think it wasn't healthy for you.
I do feel like their prices are a bit high compared to similar juice spots, but they do use organic ingredients and have the fancy glass bottles so I can see why. Either way I'm happy they're at TF!