Michael Cordova and his team were instrumental in handling my case, communicating with me consistently, and keeping me calm overall. My son experienced a traumatic car accident about a year and a half ago. The damage to him was devastating but not fatal.
He has been receiving chiropractic care, physical therapy, and even acupuncturist work. Since the person who hit my son fled the scene and was never identified, my sin never received the compensation he deserved.
Instead, our insurance with Progressive had to cover as much of it as possible, until we found this guy. We searched for the guy for months, and it wasn't until we contaced Michael Cordovas team that something finally got accomolished.
Michael went through all the necessary channels to receive video footage of this person. We eventually found the man who hit my son and since then, we have been compensated by his insurance company. Michael and his team are literal lifesavers!