the review below "sounds" suspicious.
They are very over priced. Never seen more than 3 cars in the parking lot (unless all the employee's CAR POOLED I would think at least 2 cars are employee cars). A buddy of mine and myself came here for lunch one day and after the total price was given.... We desided to walk across the street to Sunrise Resturant.... Better food, Better prices, a parking lot FULL OF CARS... (That has to mean something... RIGHT???.. more cars, more business, meaning better food, service, prices, customer service, etc...)
When I read the (ONLY) REVIEW below, I had to add my "2 cents".
If a resturant is name has "fish, chichen" something tells me that anything ELSE is probably not the best. "Philly Cheese Steak"... MEHHHH i'll pass on that "JJ Fish & Chicken"... I'll pass on that!!!