How can you charge $6 a cone when you have dollar store toppings? Simple, because people are ill-informed. This place is commendable because they have been able to sucker in so many people with their instagram-friendly creations. However, this is only a small blip in history, and Sweet Jesus, along with its competitors, will soon become irrelevant. People will soon realize just how ridiculous the whole concept is.
Prices like these are unsustainable. The toppings are used to cover up the non existent flavour of the ice cream. It is a place you go to once and then leave it at that. Sure, they have lineups out the door, but this isn't Supreme. The cones aren't rare, one-time productions, and they definitely won't be constantly changing their offerings every season. Kudos to the owner for taking advantage of peoples wallets while it lasts, what a smart business model.