This is a locally owned mexican restaurant that definitely has some good dishes and salsa. However in these times I think that you need to excell on each level. A restaurant can't rely soley on the food.
Located on the northern side of Bell Road in a newer strip mall the outside looks very inviting. As you walk in the decor is neatly situated and the atmosphere gets you excited for some possible good mexican food. After your initial look around when walking in a little confusion may settle in. No one will greet you at the door and you wonder if you should wait to be sat or just seat yourself. With more observation you'll notice a sign far away from the front door saying "Please seat yourself."
So you look for a clean cozy table and seat yourself, which is not a big deal at all. Next you have to wait for someone to give you a menu to see what they actually serve. You would think that menus would arrive very shortly, but I found out that on two occasions it took upwards to five minutes for them to arrive. I am an understanding person , I can see the place is busy,and I love mexican food so I patiently wait with a smile.
I could go and on about how long it took for my experiences here. What I found out on two lunch visits that the owners are the servers as well. No problem at all with this if you are good at what you do and are speedy. However when each server has over a ten table section and can't get you in and out in a timely manner then it's time to hire some help. Or maybe change your concept of the restaurant while having customers go to a window and order their food.
I'll remind you that the food is really good, but everything takes forever. My recommendation is to try takeout.