Afro Asian Cuisine isn't the first thing that comes to anyone's mind when they are deciding what to eat for lunch or dinner. Well after trying Get Grill I almost guarantee it will pop into your mind from time and time again. I found Get Grill in one Yelp searches for places to eat in my area. As soon as i saw Afro Asian i had no idea what it was bu I knew i had to try it. Its a very tiny place with very high volume of people. I didn't realize until I got there or else i would have pre-ordered my food. Upon my arrival I was a bit over whelmed by the amount of people jammed in such a small place. The girl that took my order was very helpful and suggest what i should try for my first time visiting the restaurant. I ordered the Suya Steak dinner. No idea what I ordered all I know it was spicy steak with rice so how can I go wrong lol. My order too half an hour to be prepared as they were extremely busy. In the half hour i was there the amount of people that came in and out was insane. The wait was killing me I was starving an super anxious to try the mystery dinner I ordered lol. There are only 5 or 6 seats there so I took my meal home. Finally when I got home I was able to try my dinner. The smell was insane. The small box was loaded with so much flavor that my taste buds were on over load. It was spicy, salty, sweet all of the above. At first I wasn't sure if i liked it or not but as I kept eating I realized that I was enjoying it and left me wondering what the rest of the menu tasted like. I am sure I will find out soon enough lol.