Laura really is a piece of work. Walked up to me at the unattended photo desk and asked if I needed help, so I said I'm just waiting for the photo guy to come here because I was curious as to how long it would take for my photos to print with nobody in front of me. She goes, "Well that's not my area so I don't know how you want me to help you, I work up front. That's why we tell you to wait a day before coming back." Despite this being a one hour photo kiosk, I let it go. Not only that, SHE approached ME, not vice versa. When I go to check out with the couple other things I needed to pick up, she told me to come back and buy them tomorrow when I got my photos. ???? I said no, I'm here now because I need these items now. Then Laura proceeds to THROW AWAY MY COUPONS while looking me dead in the eye. If by any chance someone from HR is reading this, these employees need to go because quite frankly it isn't just Laura.