So came to Niu-Gu totally unexpected because I ended up pulling into the wrong parking lot looking for Tang Tang. Dooh! Since was here figure why not try some place new cause sometimes the best things in life are not thought out or planned. All I know from the sign is noodle place before even open yelp app to look at the menu or anything about the restaurant. It sounded like good spot so got me excited about my spontaneous visit.
I came here for lunch. I originally ordered fried dumpling but the waiter came back and informed me that they were out. So suggested trying the cold beef tongue salad. I kind of had my eye on that for an appetizer as second choice. I am BIG fan of tongue in Korean and Mexican cuisine. So I was down. Interesting thinking tongue served cold more less as salad. I never seen served like that on menu my experience. The presentation was awesome. No doubt something see fine dining style on the strip. The tongue was on point, between or literally right under each slice is a slice of cucumber believe (at first glance all you see perfect slices of tongue one on top of each other and every piece same) perfect compliment texture and taste. The sauce on top brings the whole dish together. I think it some kind of hoisin base sauce. Tasty. Talk about making great first impression with first dish!!!
My entree went with the short rib noodle soup. It was good. You may only get one short rib but it HUGE meaty single bone rib. The meat literally falls off the bone. It takes up most of the bowl. No shortage when it comes with the noodles in the dish. By the time I finish feel like had enough carbs or noodles for the next day. The broth I enjoyed. It was light and refreshing. Very subtle broth with no true distinct flavor. Overall the whole dish worked. Just something that would not ordered again the next visit.
The service was awesome. Yay they had no fried dumplings but the waiter made a five star suggestion for sure. lol!!! The restaurant has little upscale vibe to it with the interior, and the presentations. The menu prices are hardly strip fine dining upscale. The parking in that shopping plaza never been fan of especially if stop by for dinner. So tiny and there so many restaurants in tight space crazy. If the parking lot full just go across the street then walk over. It tucked in the corner by Cafe Moda.