| - Bloor location. Street parking is a bit of a problem. Nice guy getting the pies out around 11:20am, but told me I could have what I wanted. Ordered a Chicken Pot Pie and a Jerk Chicken. $12.98 total with tax. Both shaped the same, each in a nice box whose sides fold down for eating. Kinda neat, but I think I'm missing some of the fine features this box might have. iPhone holder post-lunch? Maybe missing out on some potential "pie" and "box functionality" marketing, but what do I know? Eating the second half of the pie is a bit of a puzzle, maybe a rain dance. After eating the first pie, I was satisfied for a "lunch". Their website uses the term "specific gravity", which is misspelled and used in the wrong context, but I'll let that pass.
Chicken Pot Pie: Nice ratio of crust/top to filling, due to its designed height. But filling is bland, and could be something spectacular. Chicke Pot Pie often misses the mark and comes out bland. This is one of 'em.
Jerk Chicken: Aromatic and spicy, but I'm not sure how much it is a real Jerk. Ginger and Allspice are evident, but doesn't seem right. It's a very edible pie, and has much more flavour than the Chicken Pot Pie. Glad I ate the other one first. Long term has some heat on the tongue and lips, and some residual ginger that seems powdered instead of fresh.
Judgement: Nice stuff. Needs a larger drink spectrum for the pies to seem serious. Obviously supported by Coca-Cola, but would like to see some better drinks. I think that if the pies are to be taken seriously, they need greater drink diversity. Maybe some Cherry Coke, or other Coke brands. The fillings need some work, to compare to other better renditions on the market. I think they might have been thinking fiscally or operationally when designing these.