When I called based upon their website, I had anticipated some intelligent conversation regarding the High Deductible Plan F for medicare supplement insurance. I had talked with a salesperson named Shelly to find out the difference between plan F high deductible and regular plan F and regular plan G other than the $2180 deductible.
When I reviewed the plans online I had thought it was a no brainer taking the high deductible as essentially your paying a 65.00 premium as opposed to 160 to 220 a month. So you're paying 1200 to 1800 a year to insure against a 2180 loss!
But Shelly had no input on that and essentially said she had not written a high deductible policy in over 3 years and had no idea what it involved now. That's very interesting considering that when I asked her for the name of someone else I might talk to in the company she indicated that she is the "senior" expert for the brokerage and no one else could help me.
Now I can assume the commission on the high deductible is much lower than plan f or plan G. But it's amazing to me that a person and company that puts themselves out as being helpful to seniors would act like they have never heard of plan F hi deductible.
I am still astonished at their approach. Myself at this point would not even consider any plan from this company. It's a new low as far as I am concerned for insurance salespeople.
My next complaint will be to the Department of Insurance for the State of Nevada. This is a serious disservice to seniors that wish to learn all their options rather than just the ones the broker wants to present.