| - AVOID.
I brought my young (10wk) shepherd cross puppy here for an emergency gastric exploratory surgery because she ingested sticks that compacted and blocked her stomach.
I had brought her to another vet first, and since it was a long weekend they referred me to the TCAC because they were closing and said that they could only put her down and didn't have time to operate (assholes!). It was a cheap vet in Scarborough that my neighbour drove me to and I seem to have repressed the name of it. Go figure.
So off I went, with xrays and a baby pooch strung out on painkillers.
Upon arriving to the clinic, I was told that I would have to have my dog re-xray'd so that they could have the x-rays in 'their format' and to see if 'anything changed' in the 45 minutes since the last one. Highly suspicious, but I agreed as my dog struggled for her life.
I wanted to save my dog so I asked for a quote and explained that everything would be going on my credit card, which had a $2000 limit, and I work for minimum wage so I just needed the basic level of care that would humanely rescue and rehabilitate my pup.
Dr Badri quoted me for $1600 and after a night's stay my bill was $2200 for her emergency invasive stomach emptying, overnight monitoring, the x-rays, antibiotics, and staples. I asked why it was so expensive, and Dr Badri said the surgery was more complicated than expected. Ok? I asked what the 'complication' was and he said her stomach was little so he had to work extra delicately. No shit.
So I felt overcharged and a bit manipulated.
The worst part is that when I got home, I noticed that the staples and little looped stitches on her belly where the incision was were quite far apart, leaving exposed puckered gaps where the skin was drawn back together. I felt concerned about this. I kept the area vigilantly clean, but I could tell it wouldn't heal properly. I made an appointment for her to come in on the weekend, two weeks after the surgery, and the day before her visit her stomach herneated slightly through one of the puckered gaps between the stitches and staples. Horrible! I felt so bad and angry that something like that could happen.
I brought her back in to Dr Badri and was charged $450 for her to be restitched and administered stronger antibiotics and painkillers for the questionable healing of the wound. I felt like he'd done such a shoddy job of operating on my dog! And I felt super horrible that her recovery had become so complicated.
When I took her back to have the stiches/staples removed Dr Badri noted that there's still a small hernia between her stomach lining and the outer skin closing the incision. Its palpable, but probably painless and harmless.. however could tear further in the future or become painful with growth/shifting. I told him I felt like he didn't do his job to make my dog better and asked him to fix the hernia without charging, considering that I was pretty sure it was a result of the stitches/staples not being done properly. He told me he would fix it and include it in the price of spaying her. What? He obviously just wanted me to pay more and remain a client and refused to make up for his carelessness. NO.
There's no way he's getting anywhere near my dog- or getting any more of my money- ever again! I feel like he cruelly endangered her and put her through needless pain and discomfort because of his shoddy work.. and I feel tremendously over-charged for the quality of the service.
Please avoid! Don't let this clinic get away with make-work style slip ups in care and gross over-charging.
[My dog is totally fine now. She struggled a little in the few weeks after the surgery but then grew up really strong and healthy and I'm so glad I paid for her surgery even though it was by far the most expensive thing I've ever paid for besides tuition! Its a good idea to have a credit card or pet insurance in case your pet ever gets sick or hurt. I can't believe how expensive her care was and I realize now how privileged I am to have been able to pay for it]