Who ya gonna call when you need a lunch combo for under $10 on Eglington Avenue West - Yitz's Deli... that's who.
Wandering the streets when you suddenly realize "It's as cold as an arctic vortex out here and I'm kinda hungry." Means that you want warm, comfy food that fills you up and makes you fell all kinds of good.
Yitz's was nothing to write home to your bubbe about in terms of it's looks and service, basic marks all around, buy that Montreal Style Smoked Meat, Oy Vay!!! Piled high, cooked to perfection and in between two slices of rye bread and a mountain of coleslaw I was one happy fella.
But hold on that sandwich brought a friend, for the $10 lunch special I also got to have a Matzo ball soup that made my mothers meatballs look like raisins (and Mamma U does not make a small ball). The matzo ball was super tender and tasted lovely however I wasn't really a fan of the broth. It was overly salty and tasted closer to that green/yellow Lipton Chicken Noodle out of the packet than something freshly made with tender love and care. A good chicken soup should be the equivalent of Jewish Penicillin and cure you of all things that ale you - this soup made me thirsty.
That said, the sandwich more than makes up the difference, so make sure you stop by for one on the go. They also have a whole menu of jewish food faves (knish, etc) so I'll be back to try the rest of this menu on for size.
Eatcrest Out!