| - I always forget how much I like this place! Lots of items that are bigger than the average store, but not so insane you can't fit them in your car like SAMs Club!
This place has alcohol behind a locked display case. Not tons of choices, oddly most of personal favorites, though.
The other day I found Ben and Jerry's New York Superfudge Chunk! My all time favorite flavor, it's been missing in action for a couple of years. I don't know if this is because they found a really old stash, or if they are on the cutting edge of new releases. I don't care. It's yummy, delicious, and no one else in my house eats chocolate, so slap my ass and call me Chunky Monkey, I'm thrilled!
They have freezers with convenience foods, and paper products for parties or small businesses.
They have a medicine section, no diet pills. (See previous paragraph) coffee and syrup and creamer. Fresh produce, soda. All the things you would need for said party or small business.
They also have some meats, cheeses, pet food.
Go in and check it out. Just stay away from my NYSFC tubs! Don't make me regret sharing!