I went to them once, and I will never go back. 230$ to replace an android phone screen. First they told me the part would be in store in 3 days. I go back 3 days later to drop the phone off, I was greeted with oh your phone screen won't be in for a month, I don't know why you were told 3 days. I bet you mid heard. Excuses me?! This is a business phone that needs to be replaced now, not in a month but now. So they order a new phone screen, and agree to only charge me half. But I have to wait another 3 days. Great! Another 3 days my team members won't have a phone. I go back in 3 days drop the phone off after confirming I'll have it the next day. I go back the next day..... low and behold my phone is still not fixed. Gunna be another day they broke the screen. Fantastic, another 3 days of waiting. I call them on day 4 of this cycle - screen still not in. Day 5 - screen is in, but we won't have time to do it, untill tomorrow. Day 6 the phone will be ready for pick up tomorrow. Day 7 I don't know why you were told the phone would be ready today we still have not gotten to it. Day 8 phone is ready. So after all this the guy at the counter still tried to charge me 230$ for the screen. I walked out of there only paying 115$ but with all the hassle on their end was beyond insane.