| - I love that places like this exist so that folks can test out boardgames, and the selection here is amazing, but I haaaaaaate the way this place is set up. Oh, the decor is nice, but the tables are so close together it becomes incredibly uncomfortable the second it gets even a little busy: way too noisy and cramped to actually enjoy the games or the company. You're basically sitting on top of the other patrons, and you're tripping all over one another the second one of you needs the toilet. I don't see how it's not a fire hazard, tbh, especially in the cold months when everyone shows up with a big coat and a few extra layers. And that's despite the fact that the 4-person tables are too small for most 4-player games, let alone with food and/or drinks in the mix.
As for that food and drink: I can't speak to the quality of the alcohol offering, but they've got a decent selection of tea, hot or iced. As for the food... the salted caramel brownie is good, the mac and cheese is garbage; dunno about the rest.
It's cool that they've got staff on hand specifically to teach patrons the games, and most of the ones I've interacted with have been lovely and helpful, but every once in a while you get one who is either way too confident about his random, unrequested game recommendations, or a little too smug about the game you've asked for.
All in all? I want to like this place, and I love trying new boardgames, but I'm not likely to go back until I hear the setup is less chaotic and claustrophobic.