Being Japanese and with my parents back in Japan, the easiest way for me to get a home cooked Japanese meal (unfortunately) is to make it myself.
For a very long time, Sanko was the only place downtown to get Japanese grocery products (now with T&T on Cherry Street, Korean markets on Bloor W. and many of the other Asian markets carrying products, it has made things easier).
Sanko carries traditional dishes (they are a regular dealer to my bowl-collecting habit), video/dvds of Japanese TV shows and movies, magazines and a nice stock of imported grocery products.
They also carry rice balls with assorted fillings and other ready-to-eat products. They also used to have some baked goods from Nakamura Bakery, but I don't think I've seen any there in a while.
It's certainly not the cheapest around. For example, they carry the instant single-portion rice which they sell for around $3.50. There are grocery stores on Bloor & Christie where the same brand and product are available for $2.
It's convenient for me where we live and Sanko has helped me countless times when I have that craving for a home-made Japanese meal. Wah! I miss you mom and dad!! haha!