| - Harsh to say, but I hate arenas. The only time I go is to see s concert, show or special event as I'm not an arena-type sports fan. Last night's event was Cirque du Soleil's Michael Jackson-The Immortal Tour. I have to say as far as arenas go, the US Airways Center is pretty amazing. Entering and exiting are easy-peasy. It didn't feel overly crowded and parking was plentiful in outdoor lots or the adjacent indoor multi-story connected building.
There's a Starbucks on site, which was like heaven to me . . . I wanted a nice hot tea to savor through the show, There are other well-known food concessions throughout the arena, as well as some fairly comfortable seating areas to pass the time until the powers that be allow you to go to your seat.
Since we were sitting in Section 102, first row, we were in the makeshift seats (the same as they put on the floor, foldables with no real back support. This was probably the only negative for me as after about an hour, my lower back was killing me (and I still feel it this morning!). But . . . the seats were wonderful for viewing the show. Couldn't have been better.
Sound quality was what you'd expect in an arena not built specifically for music, so I didn't have high expectations.
I have to say that I am very impressed by the US Airways Center and all the "nightmare" worries that I had about entering the building, exiting the building, finding something I wanted to drink, and of course, parking, were something I didn't have to be anxious about at all! Bravo!